Daniel Vincz


Daniel Vincz is an IT engineer and entrepreneur. He started his first company while he was studying at the university, serving clients from Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and the USA. Later he launched his startup, raised Venture Capital, and built traction in Hungary, UK, and the USA. Gaining this experience made him decided to give back to the community and since then he is mentoring and educating Hungarian early-stage startups on how to get results faster with fewer mistakes. He gained international experience by working in Switzerland and China. He co-founded the INPUT Program (a Hungarian government program that helps Hungarian tech startups go global) – and built ecosystem partnerships in the USA, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Finland, and Germany. Currently, he is deputy CEO of a Hungarian tech startup, Mollia, which is working on making robots move like humans. He is also the Business Development Manager responsible for Asia at a USA-based Pharma R&D company, Vanessa Biotech, that is committed to making an impact on healthcare markets that are often overlooked. He is a regular speaker and host of a variety of international conferences (Singapore, China, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, etc.). He loves solving complex problems, traveling around the world, building communities, and constantly aiming to become his best possible self.




I think about 2050 as a blank canvas that volunteers from all over the world can paint on whatever they want to. It’s a platform that allows people to create and contribute. So for me, it is all about people. Their stories, the connections they make and the experiences they have together.
As the headline says: „Tech brings Youth together.” – I think this is more important and relevant than ever before.
Let’s face it. We, humans, achieved incredible technological advancements, but we had to pay a very expensive price for it: Humanity is facing major global challenges. As the world population is growing, we see scarcity in food, water, education, housing, and medical care. The gap in living standards between the rich and poor is becoming even more extreme and divisive. The threat of new and re-emerging diseases and immune micro-organisms is growing. Population growth and economic growth are interacting adversely with environmental quality and natural resources. Organized crime groups are becoming sophisticated global enterprises. And many more.
Global challenges require global solutions. We need to have better understanding and empathy toward each other. We need to learn how to better communicate with each other.
I believe that the Youth has the potential to create solutions to overcome the challenges we are facing, but they need their voices to be heard. They need to connect and unite. Platforms like 2050 is creating a space where the Youth can meet, connect and start collaborating on a global scale, to build a brighter future for the generations to come.